Episode 206
Bring It On
I'm sexy, I'm cute, I'm popular to boot... the introductory scene to Bring It On is infamous in 2000s pop culture for its tongue-in-cheek look at the world of cheerleading.
Bring It On though, was born of a fascination with competitive cheerleading, and the fact that as it's seen as primarily a women's sport, and not really a sport in itself, despite the skill and athleticism necessary.
Writer Jessica Bendinger knew she had something special, and it took many pitches to get a studio to believe in her cheerleader comedy, rooted deeply in the politics of cheerleading, as well as cultural appropriation and white guilt, something not many 2000s high school comedies would touch with a ten-foot spirit stick.
But there was another cheerleader movie being made at the same time, one that would steal a lead cast member and tempt another...
I would love to hear your thoughts on Bring It On !
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Verbal Diorama is hosted, produced, edited, researched, recorded and marketed by me, Em | This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.
Theme Music: Verbal Diorama Theme Song. Music by Chloe Enticott - Compositions by Chloe. Lyrics by Chloe Enticott (and me!) Production by Ellis Powell-Bevan of Ewenique Studio
Patrons: Simon E, Sade, Claudia, Simon B, Laurel, Derek, Vern, Cat, Andy, Mike, Griff, Luke, Michael, Scott, Brendan, Ian, Lisa, Sam, Will, Jack, Dave, Chris, Stuart, Sunni, Drew, Nicholas, Zo, Kev, Pete, Heather, Danny, Aly, Tyler, Stu, Brett and Philip!
Most excellent patrons:
- Brett @dissectthatfilm. Listen to Dissect That Film in your podcast app of choice
- Andy @geeksaladradio. Listen to Geek Salad in your podcast app of choice
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- @trivia_lad
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Mentioned in this episode:
Livestream for the Cure 2023
I'll be appearing, alongside other amazing podcasters and content creators, in the 7th Annual Livestream for the Cure in May 2023 on Twitch! Together, we're aiming to raise $25,000 for the Cancer Research Institute, for a future free from cancer.
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