Episode 253
The Flintstones (1994)
64 years ago, The Flintstones became the first ever animated prime time sitcom in the US, and 30 years ago, the live-action film was released.
A live action adaptation of The Flintstones first came about in 1985, but it wouldn't be 'til Steven Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment acquired the rights in 1992 that the project started moving forward, but by that point eight writers had already had a crack at the script...
Once Spielberg, and mega fan director Brian Levant, got involved, many more writers would have a pass, but only three would ever be credited for their work after the Writer's Guild of America got involved.
Credit to the team of writers behind The Flintstones...
- Steven E. de Souza
- Daniel Goldin
- Joshua Goldin
- Peter Martin Wortmann
- Robert Conte
- Mitch Markowitz
- Jeffrey Reno
- Ron Osbourne
- Michael J. Wilson
- Jim Jennewein
- Tom S. Parker
- Gary Ross
- Al Aidekman
- Cindy Begel
- Lloyd Garver
- David Silverman
- Stephen Sustarsic
- Nancy Steen
- Neil Thompson
- Brian Levant
- Rob Dames
- Lenny Ripps
- Fred Fox Jr.
- Dava Savel
- Lon Diamond
- David Richardson
- Roy Teicher
- Richard Gurman
- Michael J. Digaetano
- Ruth Bennett
- Lowell Ganz
- Babaloo Mandel
That's 32 writers. 29 of which never received credit.
This movie has incredible production design, set design, costumes, puppet work and casting. It does not deserve to be as derided as it is. Let's celebrate The Flintstones! Yabba dabba doo!
I would love to hear your thoughts on The Flintstones (1994) !
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Theme Music: Verbal Diorama Theme Song. Music by Chloe Enticott - Compositions by Chloe. Lyrics by Chloe Enticott (and me!) Production by Ellis Powell-Bevan of Ewenique Studio
Patrons: Simon E, Sade, Claudia, Simon B, Laurel, Derek, Vern, Cat, Andy, Mike, Griff, Luke, Michael, Scott, Brendan, Lisa, Sam, Will, Jack, Dave, Chris, Stuart, Nicholas, Zo, Kev, Pete, Heather, Danny, Aly, Stu, Brett, Philip, Michele, Xenos, Sean, Ryno and Russell!
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